A devilishly tough brainteaser has emerged online – and it’s challenging only the “sharpest” individuals to solve it.

The deceptively difficult puzzle asks you to find the guitar pick that’s fallen onto the ground. Anyone who manages to complete the task in less than 10 seconds is likely to have super sharp vision.

While the Reddit challenge looks easy to begin with, it’s actually harder than it looks. That’s because the guitar pick is tiny – and it blends in very well with the scene around it.

So set a timer, get your thinking cap on, and see how long it takes you. Don’t forget to comment below the time you managed to complete the task in.

HANDY HINT: If you’re struggling to see all of the details in the image, we’d recommend clicking on the Reddit post above. You can then zoom in and get a closer look.

Where is the pick, you may be wondering? While eagle-eyed players may have already spotted it, it’s likely that others are struggling.

On Reddit, one player revealed he spotted it pretty quickly. He wrote: “Dang… I must have dropped too many guitar picks in my time. That was the fastest I ever found one of these! I just glanced at it and found it.”

The clock is ticking – so you’ll need to be quick to complete the challenge. If you’re wondering why it’s so tough, it’s likely to be because the pick is clear and not a solid colour.

But despite the difficulty, some have managed to find it. If you are still looking, don’t scroll any further as we’re about to reveal spoilers.

After finding the pick, a Redditor revealed: “[It’s] about six columns over from the left and six rows up from the bottom. Lying on one of the dark rounded rectangles.” The original poster affirmed that this was correct, by commenting “Snipe!” Meanwhile, someone else wrote: “Found it! Also, beautiful guitar!”

If you want to test your eyesight even further, stick around! We’ve got a slew of brainteasers ready for you to get your teeth into. Try to spot the deer in this pretty forest scene. Or see if you can spot all three cats in this festive photo. The fun doesn’t need to end!

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