A comprehensive programme of repairs for the iconic A-listed Steeple Hall in Kilbarchan has been put together by architects.

The work intends to address long-term defects and safeguard the structure and interior of the historic building in Steeple Square.

MAST Architects has been appointed by Renfrewshire Council for the fix up job as the local authority strives to find a sustainable future for the landmark.

The company has submitted applications for planning permission and listed building consent and has demonstrated how it will approach the project.

A design statement explained: “Renfrewshire Council have a defined budget with which to bring the Steeple Buildings back into a state of sound repair and to fund further works to achieve a long-term sustainable end use for the site.

“Budget allowances for repairs and new use projects have been identified and apportioned separately based on earlier condition surveys and reporting by others. The current priority is to safeguard the fabric of the building until this new use is implemented.

“Budget estimates for all urgent, essential and necessary works were developed, with the expectation that some of the ‘necessary works’ may have to be omitted in order to protect the funds allocated to the new use project.

“It is clear that these ‘necessary works’ will require attention in the medium term and the intention is to seek additional external funding to enable these less urgent works to be implemented.

“A detailed list of works deemed affordable within the overall budget were identified. These form the basis of the currently proposed repairs project.”

Some of the works proposed include stabilising and repointing the masonry of the spire and belfry, securing loose quoin stones on the steeple, stripping and renewing roof coverings and flashings and other various internal works.

Towards the end of last year, it was revealed the Steeple Hall could be transformed into a combined bistro and community space as a “preferred” use was identified.

Heritage specialists from Glasgow Building Preservation Trust helped draw up a number of potential functions as part of an options appraisal commissioned by the council.

Four possibilities were presented but early feedback suggested a vision focused on a ground floor restaurant and first floor multi-use venue could be in pole position.

The feasibility of such a proposal was to be explored in greater depth by senior officers after the move was agreed at a meeting of the economy and regeneration policy board in November.

The cost to internally refit and refurbish the building for this preferred use was estimated to be in the region of £384,000, a report to that board said. This would be on top of the cost of the repairs.

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