A serial mugger who grabbed a vulnerable woman’s handbag was caught by a have-a-go hero as he fled the scene.

The man was joined by neighbours who held on to Andrew Christison until the police arrived.

Christison, 32, of Stewarton Terrace, Wishaw, was jailed for 15 months at Hamilton Sheriff Court.

He admitted robbing the woman, who was using a crutch, after shoving her to the ground in Kirk Road, Wishaw, on July 30.

Christison was on bail for similar crimes at the time.

Lewis Devoy, prosecuting, said the woman was walking past Morrisons supermarket when Christison pounced shortly after 7pm.

Mr Devoy told the court: “She was walking with the aid of a crutch. The accused approached from behind, grabbed the handbag from her hand and pushed her to the ground.

“She landed on her hip and sustained bruising.

“The incident was witnessed by a nearby homeowner looking out of her window.

“She shouted to her husband who went out and saw the accused, still carrying the handbag, trying to climb a garden fence.

“The man took hold of Christison, brought him down from the fence and got the attention of neighbours who helped to restrain him while the police were contacted.”

Defence lawyer Laura Kiernan said dad of two Christison was gripped by a crack cocaine addiction at the time.

She added: “He is ashamed of his behaviour and wants to turn his life around.”

Sheriff Louise Gallacher told Christison: “You robbed a vulnerable person who was clearly debilitated at the time.

“Without the intervention of members of the public, you would have made off.

“From the victim impact statement, it’s clear you caused the woman considerable fear and no doubt exacerbated the hip injury she already had.

“Your actions have had a lasting effect on her, you have a record involving weapons and violence, and you were on bail for a similar matter at the time.”

The sheriff said she would have jailed Christison for 20 months but reduced this to 15 months because of his guilty plea.

Previously, Christison was jailed for snatching purses from two elderly women in November 2023.

The first victim, aged 82, was targeted in Church Street, Newarthill, and eight days later he robbed a 79-year-old woman in Muir Street, Motherwell.

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