Weight loss can be complicated, but one woman has shared the three things that worked for her – and they’re simple.

She’s proven it’s possible to shed the pounds even while working a 9-5 office job. It’s no secret that those who spend their days glued to a computer screen can often lead more sedentary lives.

Regular standing breaks for a cup of tea or a stretch at the desk can sometimes be overlooked when engrossed in work. TikTok user @christylove4eva, now a personal trainer, revealed three key factors that helped her lose an impressive 200lbs (90kg).

Before her successful weight loss, Christy felt she had “tried it all,” but this method truly worked for her. She shared that this is “pretty much” her weekday diet at work, a routine she’s maintained “for years.”

Start with a healthy snack

First, as a morning snack, she chows down on three whole cucumbers. She said that she eats them “as much as possible” while she’s working, so she feels like she’s doing something.

Cucumbers have many benefits. According to Healthline, “cucumber is a nutritious fruit with a high water content.” Its website states: “Eating cucumber may help lower blood sugar, prevent constipation, and support weight loss. To maximise cucumber’s health benefits, eat the peel, too”.

In the caption, she explained that she also eats something full of “protein, fibre, and very little grain”. She shared: “I’ll usually have veggies, chicken or fish, 1/2 cup of rice, and beans (I like alternating: lentils, black beans, kidney beans, and chickpeas!)”

Incorporate exercise into your day

Christy shared that during her working day, she finds it really important to have a “walking break”.

The NHS recommends adults exercise for around 150 minutes per day. They say that Adults should do some type of physical activity every day. Exercising just once or twice a week can reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke.

They share that adults should:

  • do strengthening activities that work all the major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms) at least 2 days a week
  • do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity a week
  • spread exercise evenly over 4 to 5 days a week or every day
  • reduce time spent sitting or lying down and break up long periods of not moving with some activity

Of course, a by-product of a healthier diet and exercise can be weight loss.

Prioritise protein

The final thing that Christy shared she did was “get that protein in as much as possible”. Protein is important because it can help “weight loss, muscle gain and health”.

If you’re looking for help with diet, weight management, or weight loss, contact your GP.

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