The horrifying moment a teenage dad abandoned his newborn baby in a plastic bag was caught on camera, and cops have shared his text messages with the infant’s mother.
CCTV captured the 18-year-old dad, known as Lucio David, stopping beside a car and reaching for a black rucksack. He pulls out a plastic bag, inside was the tiny baby wrapped in a bin liner, which he hides in front of the front wheel – without even a blanket to keep the infant warm.
However, the baby was saved when its screaming caught the attention of passers by in Tultitlan, Mexico. The unnamed mum had earlier given birth in the loo of the bakery where she worked and moments later messaged her boyfriend for help, as they discussed leaving the defenceless infant to die, reports the Mirror.
The mum messaged the baby’s dad: “He’s still moving.” He replied: “Don’t look at him anymore, love, don’t pay attention to him anymore. Now I’m going to the house and you won’t see him again.” The mum replied: “Throw him in some river.” He answered: “We feel bad, I know this is wrong but there was no other way. Either we keep him or we don’t keep him.”
The dad is facing charges of attempted intentional infanticide and neglect. At first the baby’s mum had told cops she thought Lucio had taken the baby away for a medical check-up.
But her damning WhatsApp messages could mean she will be charged too. When the truth emerged over the abandonment of the baby, Lucio’s own sickened mother turned him in to prosecutors.
She told local media: “I’m not going to pay bail if you give him the opportunity to take his trial out of prison. I’m not going to do it because if he doesn’t learn from this, when he comes out he’ll be a worse man. And I didn’t bring an animal into the world. No feelings. Without heart, both of them speaking in the same way. Ruthless, without caring at all about what they were doing.”
Meanwhile hospital officials say the baby is in a “stable” condition and the city’s Family Development Department for child welfare department is set to rule on future custody.