Loved-up Tiffany says she has faced a backlash because partner Jim is 42 years her senior, but believes older men have abig advantage over guys her age.
The couple met at a retirement community and struck up a close bond after content creator Tiffany asked Jim, 79, to appear in one of her TikTok videos. And while many people say she is just in it for money, Tiffany says it was Jim’s sense of humour that won her over.
Jim, from Chicago, Illinois, says dating a younger woman is an “older man’s jewel”. Speaking to Love Don’t Judge, he said: “I saw her and I thought, ‘Is this the new Marilyn Monroe?’ The Kennedy’s had Marilyn and I have Tiff.”
The pair are now in an open relationship, meaning Jim is welcome to date other women, while Tiffany continues to film with other men. However, she knows Jim will always return to her.
She said: “I formed an attraction to him after he started doing the role plays with me because he was so good at doing them. I was like, ‘This guy is so funny,’ we just have a really nice bond. I really do connect with him.”

Tiffany expresses a preference for older men as she feels no need to “prove herself” with them. Despite facing harsh comments online, with many branding her a “gold digger”, the pair remain connected and dismissive of the negative attention, reports the Mirror.
She expressed: “When I’m with guys who are my age or even younger than me, they’re just go, go, go, go and they’re just love-bombing me and it’s just too much. So when I’m with older men it’s a whole different ball game. I love that I don’t feel like I have to prove myself.
“We get a lot of hate on the internet and they will tell me that a gold-digger will say that he’s my dad, that I’m using him for viewers. I don’t really feed into it because at the end of the day he is happy, and that’s what matters.”

Tiffany’s pals have shared their unease about her relationship. Her mate Samantha, quite “shocked” by the significant age gap, commented: “It is crazy, honestly, I don’t even understand.”
Her buddy Ryan voiced his worries over how Tiffany would cope if Jim passed away. To this, she responded: “I would be really sad. I don’t really think about it because all that matters is that he is happy during his last final days, and I bring him so much joy so it is worth it.”
Regarding Tiffany’s job filming with other men, Jim admitted that adjusting to it “took a little getting used to”, revealing he fears that not accepting her profession means he “would lose”. Despite that, he confesses it “pains his heart” when she works with other men.
With Jim having arranged a life insurance policy in Tiffany’s name, he acknowledges that he’s not getting any younger but insists it’s vital to “live your life while you can” as “time is more valuable than money”.