As weather threat looms, New Orleans officials shift parade rolling times

NEW ORLEANS — Zulu and Rex will both roll early with no marching krewes, bands or truck floats in an effort to beat the high winds expected to hit the metro area on Fat Tuesday. The announcement comes as other parishes announced cancellations or earlier start times for parades. However, changes in weather could present new changes. 

With high winds expected, officials evaluated potential changes and plan to announce a decision Monday. Jefferson Parish has already canceled its celebrations due to the forecasted conditions. Covington pushed up its start time. 

On Monday, Orleans Parish officials moved parade start times of Zulu and Rex up by one hour, according to Darren Mire, spokesperson for Zulu. 

In a news conference on Monday, the New Orleans Police Department said Zulu would roll at 6:30 a.m., Rex would roll at 9:30 a.m., and the Krewe of Elks truck parades would roll on Sunday. However, if the weather threat increased, the NOPD said it would consider cancelling the parades on Fat Tuesday. 

Currently, the plan is for Rex to roll early and move down Napoleon Avenue, turn onto St. Charles Avenue and turn up Jackson Avenue toward its den.

Zulu’s route will also change, as of Monday afternoon. According to Mire, Zulu will turn on Poydras Street instead of Canal and head toward the Superdome. 

NOPD Supt. Anne Kirkpatrick said that the streets are expected to be clear of parades by 11:30 a.m.

Credit: WWLTV
Krewe of Zulu 2025 parade route

Jefferson Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng confirmed in a press conference Monday that the parades will remain canceled for Mardi Gras Day as wind gusts pose a problem for double-decker floats, tents, ladders, and grandstands.

On the Northshore, Covington officials also shifted its carnival parade up. The new start time for Covington will be at 9:15 a.m. 

The Krewe of Bogue Falaya will begin at 9:15 a.m., followed by the Krewe of Covington and Lions Club. The after party has been cancelled. 

Credit: WWLTV
Krewe of Rex 2025 parade route

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