Students from middle and high schools in Mercer County performed at the All County Band Festival.

MERCER COUNTY, W.Va. – Students from middle and high schools in Mercer County performed a selection of music for a full audience at the All County Band Festival following an extensive audition process.

After only two days of preparation, the students made up an ensemble mixed with school colors and presented a unified sound.

“It’s beautiful to see the bond that music brings between us, whether we’re different schools, different rivalries between schools, it’s just good to see that we’re all on the same page when it comes to creating music and doing something for our community,” said Nick Hinkle, coordinator for the festival and Bluefield High School’s band director.

The students say the experience was an opportunity to step outside their normal circles.

“Honestly it’s really, really cool, it’s definitely a lot different than normal concert band, and you get to meet new people and new friends,” said Sam Meadows, a ninth grade percussionist with PikeView High School.

Another percussionist agreed, saying it was exciting to see new faces.

“It’s really fun because you get to work with new people and learn how to work with other people instead of, like, the same people you always see, so it’s really fun,” said Alexandrah Camp, a ninth grade percussionist with Princeton Senior High School.

Well done to all the students involved.

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