BRADSHAW, W.Va. – Bradshaw’s Mayor Bill Click says he will be resigning his position with the town as the result of a diminished relationship with the town council.
Click shared many grievances with WVVA but he says one of the biggest issues not being addressed by the town is sewage being found on the streets.
“It hurts me for people like this. It hurts me for the people here. On the other end of town where I’ll take you, there’s three households over there where it’s running out. Everything that they told me they fixed, I turned it in to the DEP that it was fixed but it ain’t,” said Click.
Click’s grievance with sewage issues in the town is not unfounded. Jennifer Kennedy says sewage has been leaking near her home since May of last year.
She says the source is town owned utilities.
“Something needs to be done. I’ve complained, I’ve called everybody I know to call. Nothing is being done. Even my sewage is running into the river,” said Kennedy.
Kennedy says the sewage poses a health risk not just to her but her children as well.
“It is very frustrating when you’ve done told everyone that you know to talk to. All you get told is there’s an investigation, an ongoing investigation. It’s going to take time and all of this and that. No, I’m tired and I want it done now,” said Kennedy.
A town council meeting revolving around sewer customers was set for Wednesday night. However, the meeting was cancelled.
Mayor Bill Click says he plans to resign at the next scheduled meeting.
Last October, an investigation was launched by the Public Service Commission of West Virginia into a sewer system that has reportedly been spilling waste onto the ground between two schools in McDowell County.
The Public Service Commission (PSC) said its staff was ordered to investigate the system in Bradshaw, but directed Bradshaw to enter into an operation and management agreement with McDowell County Public Service District to allow the district to oversee utility operations.
In a petition filed by PSC staff on Sept. 25, 2024, it was declared that Bradshaw’s sewer lift station had been spilling untreated sewage onto the ground between Bradshaw Elementary School and River View High School for four to six months.
According to the PSC, staff said the spillage of sewage near the schools “creates a risk of irreparable harm.” Staff then asked for an investigation into the system.
The PSC said the problem had not been fixed as of Oct. 8, 2024 and that staff mentioned other issues as well.
Bradshaw and the McDowell County PSD were told to file their O&M agreement with the Commission within 30 days.
Mayor Bill Click says town officials still run their own utility operations and it has not been taken over by the McDowell County Public Service District.
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