House Bill 274 would allow the state to amend or repeal laws, ordinances and policies in the city of Austin.

AUSTIN, Texas — Lawmakers in the Texas Capitol are discussing a proposal to create a “District of Austin,” in all or part of the city of Austin.

House Bill 274, filed by Rep. Briscoe Cain (R-Deer Park), was first announced in December and would allow the state to effectively assume control over the city. The district would still follow city laws currently in place, but would allow the state to amend or repeal laws, ordinances and policies it chooses.

Austin is a home-rule city, meaning it operates under a charter. That city charter is considered Austin’s constitution.

Cain said it would help address crime in the city.

“From carjackings, to open drug use blocks from this very building, the failures of Austin city government have made clear: the Seat of Texas Government should be run by the representatives of the people of Texas,” Cain said.

But opponents of the bill believe it to be an overreach of authority.

“This bill really just violates the core tenets of democracy by disenfranchising Austinites and depriving them of a government that’s accountable to their needs and priorities,” Luis Figueroa, with the nonprofit group Every Texan, said.

The bill was left pending in committee on Wednesday.

Given that the bill is a constitutional amendment, it is very unlikely to pass. An amendment to the state constitution would require two-thirds of both the Texas House and Senate to pass, meaning a handful of Democrats would have to vote in favor along with all Republicans. If it were to reach that point, the amendment would then have to be approved by Texas voters.

If it were to pass, the District of Austin would be established on Jan. 1, 2026. You can read the full text of the bill here.

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