County employees are stepping up to help make Mercer County cleaner
County employees are stepping up to help make Mercer County cleaner

PRINCETON, W.Va. – On Thursday, county workers armed with gloves and garbage bags tackled litter along Glenwood Park Road, determined to make a difference.

The cleanup marked the start of the county-wide campaign. Workers cleared trash along a two-mile stretch from Courthouse Road westward.

Mercer County Commissioner Greg Puckett led the effort, hoping to inspire others to take pride in their community.

He says, “Hopefully, what it does is it gives the incentive for other people to say, you know what, my road doesn’t look quite as good or my house or my property doesn’t look quite as good. I’m gonna take advantage of the ‘Keep Mercer Clean’ campaign, and I’m gonna really, you know, because I love where I live, I’m gonna try to make sure that I do everything I can in my part. If the constituents do that, each one of us takes a share, then we’re all going to be better off for the process.”

The initiative aims to boost civic pride and environmental responsibility throughout Mercer County.

Logan Cole has been the Mercer County litter control officer for two months, and he says every little bit of cleanup helps.

“Just make a difference. Try to clean up the environment. Try to make Mercer County look as clean and pretty as it can be. Just hopefully make a dent and a difference in the community,” said Cole. “If you can clean up one piece of trash, that’s one less piece on the side of the road. There’s a lot of trash in Mercer County, and we could really use the help of the community.”

These employees are proving that small actions can make a big difference.

With more initiatives like this, many other communities can stay cleaner—one bag at a time.

For those interested in getting involved, more upcoming cleanup projects can be found on the Keep Mercer Clean Facebook page.

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